Wednesday, August 02, 2006

words, words, words

I know Mel Gibson's been taking some major heat, but you've got to admit that he was insane as Hamlet*. All that book throwing, table dancing, mother loving and convincing the girl he loves that she's the crazy one. Brilliant!

Anyway, this post is dedicated to the dilema between my wife and me. Namely, words. I'm of the linguistic persuasion that if it's understandable, and more than one person uses it, it's a word. Kristen, my super-hot, pregnant wife leans toward the Port Royalist sense of proper English and traditional grammar. The point is, well, there isn't really a point, but I can give you an example:

I say: I'm not sure about this whole blog thing. It scares me, but my comfortability with it rises everytime I log in.
She says: Your comfort rises.
I say: Your comfort rises.

Then she gets pretty confused. It's really fun. You should try it sometime.

* You may remember that Hamlet's response to Polonius' question about what he's reading in act II scene ii is "Words, words, words." Then again, you may not.


tabo said...

What? I can't believe nobody has commented yet!

Ryan said...

oh man, you guys are sooo funny!!!!
thats just one of the million reasons we love you!
so tabo, i must agree, whats up with the lack of comments? This cool cat lives for comments.