Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Okay world, consider this my Harry Potter coming out post. Not that it's a big secret to the readers of this blog...

Kristen and I recently went to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. It was great! The reviews from respected critics were mixed, and most said that there was way to much build for such a little and short payoff. I disagree, but then I'm a Potter fan.

In preparation for the movie, Kristen reread book 6. This led to a discussion about whether Severus Snape is basically good or bad. I argue that he's more good than bad. Kristen isn't so sure, but I think she leans my way. Our friend Rebecca seemed repulsed at the idea that Snape could be anything other than the epitome of evil. The girls argued about this for a little while. The debate was passionate, the opponents adamant. Rebecca's husband Evan thinks we're all big geeks. And maybe we are, but we are not alone.

I just happened into this MSN article about this very topic. It doesn't really say anything terribly innovative, but it lends some credibility to our discussion. So Rebecca, check it out and see that we're not alone in our stance. And Evan, read the article and know that even if we're all big dorks, at least you know that there are bigger ones out there. Oh, and if this article isn't enough, I'll tell you about the whole IT department at Wordbank quizzing me about the movie and asking how many copies of the book I pre-ordered.


Evan and Rebecca Jones said...

So funny Darron! I just read this article before happening upon this post and tried to email it to Kristen (but I'm not so computer savvy so I gave up). The funny thing is I'm starting to wonder! I'm not convinced by any stretch of the imagination but definitely an interesting argument...

chanel said...

here's my thought, thanks for asking, I trust Dumbledore, above all else I have to trust him. I mean whats left? Trust JK Rowling that feverish murdering author? No, no no. Dumbledore instructed Harry in #6 to kill him or let him die or whatever need be if things didn't go well in that cave. Maybe he did the same for Snape? But I am not with the group of dorks that think he is alive. I think Rowling has made it perfectly clear, death is it, the end. SO sad.
I should read your link.

And if you think Evan is bad, Ryan was telling me about Dingledorf, yeah thats what he calls Dumbledore, not b/c he's a punk, but b/c thats really what he thinks his name is. And we're the dorks? No my friend we certainly are not.

Evan and Rebecca Jones said...

D money juice dog, Thanks for dropping my name on the web. I am officially famous if assumptuous is the most gogglified word of the day. As far as the Snapester is concerned, I prophecy that he'll carve Harry's heart out with a spoon.